Top 10k strings from Sinclair User - Issue 104 - Double Hits 5 (1990)(Sinclair User)(Side B).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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35 ;" ": 10 ;" " 9 ;" ": 7 ;(" "+A$+" ")(B 5 ;" ": 4 ;" " 3 ;"LOADING": 3 ;" ": 3 ;" ": 2 ;" ": 2 ;" ": 1 w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w, 1 puznik 1 X@@&XAA&XBB&XCC&XDD&XEE&XFF&XGG&X@@FXAAFXBBFXCCFXDDFXEEFXFFFXGGFX@@fXAAfXBBfXCCfXDDfXEEfXFFfXGGfX@@ 1 W X Y Z SPACE RUB END 1 UT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THOMPSON COMPUTING Ltd. 1 USE DIGITS 1 U52.MULTIFACE CRA 1 TIPS AMAZING PART 1 1 TIPS AMAZING FINISHED 30/7/1990 1 TIPAMA1 1 THOMPSON COMPUTING AND LNT IS THE COPYRIGHT OF LEIGH THOMPSON 1990 1 THIS PROGRAM, INCLUDINGCODE, GRAPHICS ARE THE COPYRIGHT OF LEIGH THOMPSONAND SINCLAIR USER AND NO PART MAY BE COPIED, STORED,TRANSMITTED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANSHIRED OR LENT WITH 1 SYMBOL SHIFT 1 SO THAT MEANS YOU SCUM! 1 REDEFINE KEYS 1 RADICAL 1 PUZNIK * 1 PROGRAM D. LYTTLE 1 PLEASE ENTER YOUR INITIALS 1 PLEASE SELECT NEXT PROBLEMS! 1 NEXT MONTH IS GOING TO BE BLEEDING GOOD 1 M.CODE 1 L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 HIJOBBIE Y} 1 FINISHED 30/7/1990 1 E NO SCORE LEVEL NAME 1 E @ 1990 OCEAN SOFTWARE LIMITED 1 DGRAPHICS B. FLANIGAN 1 DEMONSTRATION VERSION. 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 COMING SOON THERE WILL BE A NEW OPTION....3.CREDITS.......WHEN YOU SEND ALL OF YOUR TIPS AND CHEATS TO SINCLAIR USER AND THEY ARE USED THEN YOUR NAME COULD APPEAR IN THE CREDITS SCREEN............COMING SOON IS THE SOLUTIONS WHICH HAS THE SOLUTIONS TO NEW AND OLD GAMES......... 1 CAPS SHIFT 1 BMUSIC J. DUNN 1 BLOCKS:7[!G 1 BASIC LOADER 1 A$="Wednesday 25th July........Most of the day was taken up by finishing the SU logo and started to do the main menu screen and thinking about what i could put in the scroller": 1 A$="Tuesday 24th July......Watched tele for most of the day (what a hard life i have).....Had my breakfast, lunch, and tea at the same time......Got a bit fed up so i called my sister a few names and fell a sleep.........9 o'clock (at night).....Switched the computer on and made a start on Tips Amazing....Done half of the SU logo and got bored, so i loaded SCR in........": 1 A$="Tips on Jack The Nipper.....To get the peashooter, jump up on to the chest of drawers, go right, jump on to the post of the cot, go as far right as you can,jump on the other post,jump on to the shelf and get the peashooter......MORE NEXT MONTH": 1 A$="Tips on Blade Warrior.....To finish the game each item has to be collected in the right order.....Scroll of death lets you find the skull....Skull lets you find the holy water....Holy water lets you find the horn....Horn lets you find the flute....Flute lets you find the raven....Raven lets you find the Pentagram": 1 A$="Tips for Stunt Car Racer.....Division 4 Hump back-Go as fast as you can oner the hump.....Little ramp-Take the ramp at 140mph.....Division 3 Stepping stones-Stay at 140mph.....Big ramp-go at 170 for the small ones and 210 for the biggest.....Divisions 2, 1, and the super league next month.....": 1 A$="Tips for Strider.....Level 1-Strong man-Use your robot to kill him.....Statue-Get as close to him as you can and fire repeatedly.....Dragon-Use your robot.If you haven't got one then run around behind its head and fire repeatedly.....Level 2 and 3 next month": 1 A$="Tips for Run The Gauntlet..Section a-The Hill...One of the problems is the controls...keep the fire button down and move the left and right keys to move up the screen...release the fire key to move out of the way of objects...Avoid the first Run The Gauntlet sign, but jump the second....Next month section b-Water Sports....": 1 A$="Tips for Falcon Patrol 2.....The easy way to kill disrupters and cannons is to press the direction you wish to fly.....Tap the up key once so you can fly along the ground.....Fire forwards to kill the problem": 1 A$="Tips for Crazy Cars II.....The following are the routes to take.....Montrose-Denver 50/L285/R70.....Denver-Cortez 70/R25/R160.....Cortez-Phoenix.....160/L666/R40/L89.....Phoenix-Las Cruces 89/R10.....Las Cruces-Springer 10/R25": 1 A$="Thursday 26th July.....This is the last day of my diary for this month as today i am doing the scrollers and finishing the program in a couple of days.......Nothing much happening......Going to a wedding on Saturday, so i'll tell you all about it next month................CHEERIE-BYE......................." 1 A$="Monday 23rd July.....Went down to Gillingham (Robert Swan from C+VG lives in Chatham so he should know Gillingham very well)....Went into the computer shop and bought Stunt Car Racer and Frankenstein (rubbish)....(better not call Frankenstein rude names as my mummy maybe watching).....Played SCR for hours on end.....Got fed up with it as i cannot get out of division 1.....Reset the computer and loaded Robocop in.....5 minutes later finished Robocop....": 1 A$="Leigh Thompson and Sinclair User Present Tips Amazing........Hello to everyone who reads SU....If you read Y*#@ S*?`$#&@ or C/*#% then get lost, this program is for SU readers only.....Well in a minute the scroller will end and you will get a snippet of my latest book....The diary of Leigh Thompson aged 16 (and a bit)......The weather here is 'orrible, it's windy and dull and will rain later....": 1 A$="Cheat for Xenon.....Start the game and press BREAK to pause.Hold down the keys T, I, N, Y and press fire for infinite lives": 1 A$="Cheat for X-Out.....When choosing a ship, choose the top one and press fire.....Take the ship so that it's placed on top of the arrow pointing down and press fire.....Go to the x-out sign and press fire...Once the level has loaded you'll find you have single-shot fire, but you will have infinite lives": 1 A$="Cheat for Wonderboye skateboard, quit by pressing DELETE and EXTENDED MODE. Restart the game and you will have all your lives and a skateboard": 1 A$="Cheat for Treasure Island Dizzy.....On the title screen hold down the keys P, O, A and the press ENTER and hold down until the game starts. By pessing C you can make Dizzy disappear.Use Z and X to select the screen you want and press SPACE to start on that screen": 1 A$="Cheat for Task Force.....Define your keys as CRASH for infinite lives": 1 A$="Cheat for Stunt Bike Simulator.....As soon as the hang-glider and bike come onto the screen, press O, BREAK and ENTER and the man will appear on the bike.....You can carry this on until the game is finished": 1 A$="Cheat for Street Hassle.....When you die and the bloke starts to cry on the ground, press 'L' and you will be asked to skip levels...Press 'Y' will take you to level 6": 1 A$="Cheat for Stormlord.....Type in BRINGONTHEGIRLS with no spaces and screen will freeze and pressing a number from 1 to 4 will put you on that level": 1 A$="Cheat for Starfarce.....Redifine the keys as TRONIC.....After several beeps redifine them again and when the game has started you will have infinite lives": 1 A$="Cheat for Spherical.....The following are the passwords.....YARMAK.....RADAGAST.....ORCSLAYER.....SKYFIRE.....MIRGAL.....GHANIMA.....GLIEP.....MOURNBLADE.....JADAWIN.....GUMBACHACHMAL.....ILLUMINATUS.....SPACE": 1 A$="Cheat for Short Circuit.....In the new budget game there are 2 mini-games.....R,load program,search draw unit,get blue card,L,search palm,get coin,D,D,D,use blue card,go through door and use it again,R,U,R,load programs,L,use coin at desk.....for game no.2.....Follow directions before, search desk,get 10p,D,L,L,U,drop blue card in sink,U,search desk,get red card,D,D,R,U,U,R,R,use card,go through door,use card,D,D,R,U,use 10p at desk": 1 A$="Cheat for Shinobi.....A very well known cheat (i.e everyone has seen it before)....Redifine your key as G, R, U, T, S and you will have infinite lives": 1 A$="Cheat for Shanghai Warriors.....When you get you'll name in the high score table, enter you'll name as OUTLAND and start the game.Pressing delete will clear the screen of baddies": 1 A$="Cheat for Sanxion The Spectrum Remix.....Define your keys as CHEAT and use LYNN as the password": 1 A$="Cheat for Rock Star Ate My Hamster.....1)Always choose 4 people 2)At the start choose 'dodgy gear' 3)Start at universities and charge `10 4)After 2 or 3 weeks go onto concert halls charge `10 5)After 5 weeks go onto stadiums charge `10 6)Before you do a gig always buy the stars a gift like food, drink 7)When releasing a single always make a video but never use Cricklewood" 1 A$="Cheat for Rainbow Islands.....When you get to the top of the level, quikley move to top left or right of the screen by using rainbows.When you can go no further, keep jumping so you'll invisible, your score should go up": 1 A$="Cheat for Passing Shot.....Wait until it's your service in singles and trow the ball up and push the joystick left (if you are seeving from the right).The ball will bounce in every time, and your opponent will never reach it": 1 A$="Cheat for P47.....When entering your name in the high score chart, enter it as ZEBEDEE and you will get infinite lives": 1 A$="Cheat for Operation Gunship....The following are the co-ords of the prisoners.....Mission one 1)K4, L7 2)K2, J8 3)J6, L8 4)K7, K7 5)J3, K9 6)L6, L9 7)J5, J4 8)L9, K8.....Next month mission 2": 1 A$="Cheat for Ninja Massacre.....The following are the codes for the levels....SNOW.....EASY.....RACK.....BLUE.....STAG.....HULL.....BEER.....BARD": 1 A$="Cheat for Nightmare Rally.....Redifine the keys as O,P,Q,SPACE,H. start the game and when the car appears press O,P,Q,A,SPACE together and the car will go at full speed through the level": 1 A$="Cheat for New Zealand Story.....On the menu screen type FLUFFY for infinite lives.....On level 2-2 when at the water, jump up and you'll miss most of the level.Press ENTER during any level and you'll skip that level": 1 A$="Cheat for Mr.Heli.....This cheat may only work on the +3.....Press fire to start, when playing press ZERO and ENTER twice and you will have infinite lives": 1 A$="Cheat for Moonstrike.....When it gives you the 'Press enter to continue' message type in CHEAT for 255 lives": 1 A$="Cheat for Kenny Dagleish Soccer Manager.....Borrow some money from the bank and spend it all....When you are nearly broke pay any money you have left plus `1.00 back to the bank..You'll find you have minus `9,999,999....Now you can buy any player available and play the next match...After the match you'll find the minus sign has disappeared and you'll have more than 9 million pounds to buy all the good players.....This can be repeated as many times as you like": 1 A$="Cheat for Jason's Gem.....When the game has loaded press W, A, S, at the same time and you should hear a beep....You now have infinite lives": 1 A$="Cheat for Gemini Wing.....The following are the passwords.....Level 2 EYEPLANT level 3 WHATWALL level 4 GOODNITE level 5 SKULLDUG level 6 BIGMOUTH level 7 CREEPISH final message FINALFXS": 1 A$="Cheat for Fighting Soccer......Give the opposition a goal kick. The player with the white arrow then moves his arrow to where he wants the goalie to kick the ball (This is usually the top right or left, depending on where the kick is being taken from)..Position the ball in the best place possible (Use your imagination) and then the goalie will kick the ball into his own net.....": 1 A$="Cheat for Dragon Spirit.....The following are the 3 things not to get.....1)Fire Power 2)Evil Power 3)Shrink Dragon Fire power is too slow and does not kill enough.....Evil Power makes the bad guys more evil.....Shrink Dragon makes you lose all your heads, and you lose any special fire power": 1 A$="Cheat for Count Duckula.....Press down all the keys on the keyboard and the 'Count Duckula' title changes to 'The Revenge Of The Banana Milk'.....When you start Duckula changes into a milk bottle and once one key is picked up you can walk through all of the doors": 1 A$="Cheat for Chase H.q.....Redifine the keys as SHOCKED (Enter).A test menu appears.Pressing 1 to 5 lets you view the logo animation. 6 lets you put your name in the high score table. when playing the game, 1 lets you restart the level, 2 takes you to the next level, 3 shows the end screens, and 4 gives you an extra credit every time you press it": 1 A$="Cheat for Castle Master.....If you don't want to walk to a doorway, fire a stone at the doorway and you will appear on the other side....This works anywhere except past the 'Dragon Lair'": 1 A$="Cheat for Batman The Movie...On level 1 when you come to the 3 acid drops that fall at the same time, duck and the acid drops will not fall until you climb up a level or throw your batarang": 1 A$="COMING SOON THERE WILL BE A NEW OPTION....3.CREDITS.......WHEN YOU SEND ALL OF YOUR TIPS AND CHEATS TO SINCLAIR USER AND THEY ARE USED THEN YOUR NAME COULD APPEAR IN THE CREDITS SCREEN............COMING SOON IS THE SOLUTIONS WHICH HAS THE SOLUTIONS TO NEW AND OLD GAMES........." 1 A TO CHANGE CONTROLS 1 A B C D E F G H I J K 1 >>>>> RANKING BEST <<<<< 1 ;"TIPS AMAZING!": 1 ;"Present" 1 ;"PRESS A KEY TO UNPAUSE": 1 ;"Leigh Thompson & Sinclair User" 1 ;"CHEAT *> <*" 1 ;"9.TREASURE I DIZ" 1 ;"9.STUNTBIKE SIM " 1 ;"9.STRIDER" 1 ;"9.RAINBOW I " 1 ;"8.SHORT CIRCUIT": 1 ;"8.NIGHTMARE R": 1 ;"8.NEW Z STORY ": 1 ;"8.JASON'S GEM": 1 ;"7.TASK FORCE ": 1 ;"7.STREET HAS": 1 ;"7.FALCON PATROL2": 1 ;"7.BATMAN T MOVIE": 1 ;"6.XENON ": 1 ;"6.X-OUT": 1 ;"6.KENNY DAGLEISH": 1 ;"6.COUNT DUCKULA ": 1 ;"5.SHINOBI": 1 ;"5.JACK T NIPPER": 1 ;"5.DRAGON SPIRIT ": 1 ;"5.CASTLE MASTER": 1 ;"4.SANXION ": 1 ;"4.OPERATION GUN": 1 ;"4.MR.HELI": 1 ;"4.FIGHTING SOCC": 1 ;"3.STUNT CAR ": 1 ;"3.PASSING SHOT": 1 ;"3.GEMINI WING": 1 ;"3.CRAZY CARS 2": 1 ;"2.STORMLORD": 1 ;"2.NINJA MASSCR": 1 ;"2.MOONSTRIKE ": 1 ;"2.CHASE H.Q ": 1 ;"1.WONDERBOY ": 1 ;"1.STARFARCE ": 1 ;"1.RUN T GAUNT": 1 ;"1.BLADE WARRIOR": 1 ;"0.SPHERICAL ": 1 ;"0.SHANGHAI W": 1 ;"0.ROCK STAR": 1 ;"0.P47 ": 1 ;"(The big one!)" 1 ;"(It's flipping crazy)" 1 ;"'S' PAUSE CHEAT" 1 ;"'N' STOP CHEAT": 1 ;" THUNDERCATS=31407,0/LIVES" 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 6TH 00000000 1-1-1 . . . 1 5TH 00100000 1-1-4 B R Y 1 4TH 00200000 2-2-1 J O E 1 3RD 00300000 3-1-1 M A T 1 2ND 00400000 3-1-4 C O L 1 2G[2H[2>["C[ 1 28[:9[<29[:+[ 1 22[21[28[29[2=[2*[2 [2E[:F[2G[ 1 21[2>[2G[v!*[ 1 1ST 00500000 6-3-2 D A V 1 ++5##>5w#>9w!L 1 )+"8PRESS A KEY": 1 )+"7PRESS 'A'": 1 )+"7PLEASE CHOOSE": 1 )+"7LEIGH THOMPSON": 1 )+"7CHEAT MODE": 1 )+"6TIPS AMAZING": 1 )+"5MULTIFACE BITS": 1 )+"52.MULTIFACE CR": 1 )+"51.CHEATS,TIPS": 1 )+"1WELCOME TO": 1 )+"1PART 1": 1 '(((((((((() 1 "##########$ 1 " TARGET RENEGADE=62765,0/SPEED" 1 " CHASE H.Q=39937,0:47621,0/TIME" 1 " STREET FIGHTER=41740,24/TIME" 1 " BALLBREAKER 2=35874,0/LIVES" 1 " TURBO OUTRUN=40914,0/LIVES" 1 " ROCK AND ROLL=41423,0/LIVES" 1 " GALAXY FORCE=47542,35/LIVES" 1 " CYBERNOID 2=34402,0/LIVES" 1 " H.A.T.E=53246,14/LIVES" 1 " TOOBIN=61721,0/LIVES" 1 LEIGH THOMPSON 1990 1 100 200 400 6001000120020002000 60010001000120020002000200020001000120020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000}